Thursday, December 11, 2008

7 Marketing Predictions for 2009

It's that time of year.

Time for me to get out the crystal ball and dust it off. Time to make a few predictions about marketing and how it will evolve in 2009.

  1. You Tube will become a dominant #2 search portal behind Google attracting more business users and applications than ever before. Yahoo will be far behind You Tube in number of searches by year end.
  2. Lead Generation will be the most discussed topic among B to B marketers searching for a solution to drive near term sales activity.
  3. Marketers will start paying close attention to "key words" in the search marketing process to gain clues and insights from customers about the language they use and thought process they go through to purchase.
  4. Sales funnel analysis and marketing dashboards will be the "buzz terms" used by business executives and marketing professionals seeking to determine exactly where in the selling process their brand has the most opportunity to quickly course correct.
  5. Linked In will become a dominant business networking tool.
  6. Thousands MBAs and PhD candidates in marketing related fields will analyze how Barack Obama leveraged online and digital marketing to ascend to the Presidency.
  7. Engaging Social Networks to Build Relationships and Guage Impact will be a hot topic and one I will write about in a future blog post.

Feel free to comment.

Jeff Fromm

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